Manuscript Development & Editing

For many years I worked as an editor at Times Editions in Singapore, taking a variety of titles through from early draft to publication stage. I have also been a freelance writer for corporate publications across the Asia-Pacific and Australia/New Zealand, but for the past ten years have specialised in freelance manuscript assessment and development of fiction and non-fiction titles. As an award-winning author, I have first-hand experience of the writing process and mindset, and a creator’s understanding of story and craft, while at the same time keeping a publisher’s eye on the demands of the market. I therefore approach my manuscript development and teaching work with the sensitivity of a creator and the practicality and business-sense of a commissioner.

Clients may select any or all of the following services. Please contact me for my schedule of fees:

Initial Read & Overall Report

A reading of the complete manuscript to get a sense of the book as a whole, its cohesiveness, credibility, voice, narrative structure and pacing, character, plot and setting. I offer a written report of at least 1000 words in which I convey my overall impressions of the manuscript’s strengths, shortfalls, and how it might be sharpened and improved to attract agents and publishers. Please note, this feedback is general in nature and does not comment on detail at the chapter level. 

Structural / Development Editing

A more detailed structural edit of the manuscript, offering a developmental edit progressing chapter by chapter. Here I suggest ways to tighten the narrative, deepen characterisation and expand or reduce areas of the story, where necessary. I will also point out redundant scenes, chapters or characters to help you maintain a compelling pace throughout the book. In this stage, I make comments via Track Changes on the manuscript itself. This development edit does not pick up typos, consistency or stylistic improvements (see below).

Copy Editing

A line-by-line edit of the manuscript, tightening sentences, sharpening expression, eliminating word repetition and “favourite” expressions, and reading for consistency. This is usually conducted when the author is confident the manuscript is structurally sound and narrative weaknesses have been addressed.

Praise for Jo’s editing and manuscript assessment services

Just a few of the writers I’ve worked with whose manuscripts have gone on to be published or win awards:

“In addition to her extensive knowledge and experience, Jo’s sharp intellect combined with her warmth and generosity of spirit is key to her ability to help an author shape a manuscript into a successful book that people want to read.”
Erna Walraven, author of Wild Leadership and Wild Fatherhood

“At the risk of appearing gushing, I think of Jo Riccioni as the literary equivalent of the great sports coaches. She challenges and inspires, guiding you towards finding your voice and producing your best work. Without her influence, I doubt that my short stories would have garnered the attention of judging panels, nor would I have gone on to write my debut novel The Crying Tree.”
Robert MacKinnon, author of The Crying Tree

 “If anyone needs proof of Jo’s fiction feedback abilities, my manuscript was Highly Commended in Hachette’s Richell Prize. Jo’s assessment and guidance was pivotal.”
Michelle Barraclough, writer

Writing Workshops & Classes

I offer a range of workshops on creative writing for children and adults. These range from short topic-specific sessions on areas such as dialogue, character development and plotting, to longer programs on the short story, novel writing and exploring creative writing.

Praise for Jo’s writing workshops & classes

“It was great doing a course with an author who was so practical, honest, authentic and interesting. Thank you, Jo.”
Fran Barlow (Introduction to Creative Writing)

“This is a wonderful course to move you from writing short pieces to something longer, and Jo gave us a bunch of resources to keep us focused and inspired. She was well-organised and encouraging and I loved getting her feedback – it was so valuable.”
Ann Webber (6 Week Novel Writing Course) 

“It was great to have such an experienced teacher. Jo covered such a lot in five weeks and certainly sparked interest and ideas.”
Shannon Foster (6 Week Novel Writing Course)

“I thoroughly enjoyed the three sessions. Jo was a highly motivating teacher with excellent strategies to inspire my writing. I was left wanting more!”
Maria Thompson (Introduction to Creative Writing)

“I would recommend this course if Jo is the facilitator. Jo was an amazing tutor, so experienced and easy to understand, and with great handouts and online information. She was a joy to spend time with!”
Lynette Eyles (Introduction to Creative Writing)

“Jo was a really motivating tutor, encouraging me in my work like no other.”
Xavier Ramos, (Short Story Writing)

Interviewing & Panel Moderation

As a writer and bookseller, I’ve had the opportunity to conduct in-conversation events with a variety of writers.

My interviewees include Tom Keneally, Favel Parrett, Hannah Richell, Tanya Heaslip, Jo Nell, Meredith Jaffe, Eliza Henry Jones, Kayte Nunn, Amanda Hampson, Donna Cameron, Lucy Durneen and Julie Keys.

With my own writing, I’ve been on panels alongside Ryan O’Neill, Cate Kennedy, Julie Koh, Laurie Steed, Omar Musa, Luke Carmen, Bruce McCabe, Kaaron Warren and many others.


Enquire about Jo’s services

Please fill in the form below to enquire about:

  • Manuscript Assessments

  • Editing

  • Writing Workshops

  • Interviews &/or Panel Moderation